Friday, November 20, 2009


We all turned to see Sir Integra stalking angrily towards us across the bridge. Walter stood at the control panel by the cave’s entrance his hand firmly on the power switch of Stewart’s poor abused stereo. He gave it a final disparaging glance before striding over to stand behind Sir Integra who had halted at the foot of the bridge to glare at us.

“Captain Burnadett,” she said coolly, “would you care to explain the meaning of this little gathering of yours?”

“Of course M’dame.” Said Burnadett slipping on his best alter boy expression and turning up the Gallic charm. “We were assisting Private. Zelig with his final technical run through before tomorrow night’s presentation.”

“Technical run through was it?”

“Oui M’dame.”

“Just testing the equipment.”


“I see.” She said, selecting a cigar from the case which had magically appeared in Walter’s hand. “This…music,” She paused, igniting her cigar with practiced ease from the lighter Walter now offered her, “and charming little dance demonstration,” she said waiving disparagingly in my direction, “are they also part of tomorrow nights presentation?”

“No. M’dame. We have finished with the testing. This is just a little informal gathering.”

“How cozy.” She said. I felt the weight of Walter’s stare and stepped back a bit from Sgt. Marks trying to casually hide the flask behind my back. Walter raised one eyebrow slightly, who was I trying to fool?

“And this testing of the equipment Captain, I assume it was successful?”

“Oui M’dame.” Burnadett replied suspiciously.

“No technical flaws?”

“As far as we are aware, no.”

“I am afraid Captain, that Walter and I have stumbled across a slight technical glitch in the system which we feel needs to be brought to your attention.?”

A puzzled frown crossed his face. “M’dame?”

“Yes, it seems this new antenna you have installed has somehow gotten hardwired into the main communication lines and is currently bleeding its signal into the intercom system.”


“And the telephone system.”


“Throughout the entire house as well as the barracks.”

“No.” said Zelig beginning to turn purple. “No, it’s not possible!”

“Any yet, I assure you it is happening.”

“But,” Said Stewart, “How?”

“You tell me.”

A soft chuckle at the edge of my hearing. A mild throbbing pain between my eyes. Alucard was approaching.

Stewart frowned, thinking. “The lines must be crossed somewhere but I assure you ma’am that the antenna was placed with the utmost care. I can’t understand how the radio signal could be bleeding into the intercom, much less the phone lines.”

“No. It was not a bleed over from the radio we were receiving.” Said Walter firmly. “It was a direct feed from this room.”

I blanched as the ramifications of Walter’s statement sunk in. That would mean… “Um f-for how long?” I squeaked.

“Fifty two minutes.” He said. “As nearly every room on the estate was affected, it took us some little time to find you.”

“Oh dear.” I whispered.

“Oh dear is correct Ms. Doyle!” Snapped Sir Integra. “For the last hour you have been serenading not only Walter and myself but the entire staff! We are trying to close out the quarterly budget and are forced to endure your caterwauling about draft dodging cross dressers and large reptiles consuming major Japanese ports!”

“Really Angel, it’s enough to wake the dead.” Quipped Alucard emerging from the shadows.

Sir Integra spared him an annoyed glance. He grinned and tipped his hat to her. She turned away with a derisive snort. He winked at me then settled back against a stone pillar. A sneaking suspicion began tugging at the back of my brain.

“Ms. Doyle!” Barked Sir Integra snapping back my attention.

“Yes? what? Sorry.”


“Yes, that is to say I hope my singing wasn’t too disruptive to the staff.” Alucard looked far to pleased for my liking.

“It most certainly was.”

“Well, they enjoyed the Pat Benatar but felt that you’re Janis Joplin was a bit overreaching” Sent Alucard.

“Hey! I nailed that!” I accidentally shouted back to him out loud. Oops.

“Ms. Doyle, are you drunk?” Asked Sir Integra.

“What? No, of course not!” I said fervently wishing for a better place to hide Sgt. Marks’ flask than behind my back. My head began buzzing.

I glared at Alucard who was leaning up against the pillar smiling serenely up at the roof of the cave.

“You set me up.”

He shrugged.


“Sir Integra please, I assure you.” Began Burnadett.

“No Captain, this will not do. I know you allow discipline to be quite lax within your squad and I have turned a blind eye to certain, incidents off of the estate but this is my house! My home and I will not have it turned into a discotheque!

And you, Ms. Doyle!” She said turning back to me. “This is not the first time that you have caused a disruption. I know you may feel you are on vacation but this is a working estate with a serious mission not, may I remind you, a resort hotel. You will cease interfering with my staff!”

Unfortunately, hard liquor makes me both stupid and brave.

“Vacation?” I gasped “You think I think I am on vacation?!” I had to fight to contain the hysterical laughter that was bubbling up inside me. “Let me assure you ‘Sir’ Integra, I suffer no illusion that I am on vacation. As to this not being a resort hotel? That is a fact of which I am painfully aware and fortunate too as otherwise I would have to register a serious complaint about the masseuse!”

I calmly handed Sgt. Marks back his flask then, never breaking eye contact with Sir Integra, untied my robe and shrugged it to the floor. “Now, if you will excuse me.” With a final glare at her, Walter and especially Alucard, I turned on my heel and casually strolled over to the pool ignoring the muttered curses and gasps of the others as I passed and dove in.

Monday, October 26, 2009


I Dragged Seras off of her rock perch, brownie and all, and installed us both on one of the benches by the pool so I could fix my hair. Seras obligingly began digging through the bag and pulling out supplies. She took the brush from my hand and began gently running it through my hair.

“I like your hair,” she said, “it’s so much softer than mine and such a pretty color.”

“It’s brown.” I said.

“No, it’s lovely.”

“You know you’re the 4th person today to complement my hair or try and yank it out of my head. It must be the new conditioner.”

“Or the paste Andrew smeared all over it.” Seras giggled.

A strange electronic hum cut through the night music followed by brief static then an odd, discordant chorus of sounds like someone rapidly changing stations on a car stereo. There was another hum and a pop then a small cheer arose as the thumping strains of rock music (Meatloaf actually) began to roll through the cave.

“Sounds like Stewart and Zelig got the receiver hooked up to the antenna.” Said Seras.

“Outstanding!” I said moving in time to the music.

“Hold still!” She commanded. I closed my eyes and submitted humbly to her ministrations humming along with the song.

The pool and the wine had relaxed me quite a bit. The music and Sera’s rhythmic brushing of my hair further lulled me into a very pleasant stupor so I am not really sure when it was I stopped humming and started to sing. I just know that when the song “Arms of an Angel” came on a sweet, yet sad feeling washed through me and began to build and I just had to sing along.

“Spend all your time waiting for that second chance. For a break that would make it OK” I felt the music, like a living thing, flowing through me and around me, spiraling and dancing its way through the cave.

“There’s always one reason to feel not good enough and it’s hard at the end of the day.” I did not need to open my eyes to see the others. I could feel them, feel their emotions, sense them listening to the song, listening to me.

“I need some distraction. Oh beautiful release. Memory seeps from my veins.” I wanted them to feel what I felt in the music. Experience this living creature, this lovely, aching, yearning, fragile phoenix that was this song. “Let me be empty and weightless and maybe I’ll find some peace tonight.”

I wanted to share this beauty with them so much. The need to show them what I felt was overwhelming. The emotions were bursting from me, out of my control, flowing through the cave. “In the arms of an angel, fly away from here….”

I opened my eyes as the song ended, brushing away a few tears. No one moved. They were all staring at me somewhat astonished. I did not have time to get embarrassed. The next song started “We Belong”, still sentimental but more upbeat. Without thinking I slid into the music and started to sing along.

Four songs later, “Psycho Killer”, everyone was singing along and the party was really getting started. This is a fantastic station, I was thinking to myself. Lots of great dance music and so many female artists to sing along with.

Seras and I, being the only girls there, ended dancing with, well everyone just about. As each song ended I kept thinking, surely, this is it, they have to take a commercial break but then another great song would come on and we would all start belting out the lyrics, our voices rolling and echoing throughout the cave. I found the combination of music and friends intoxicating. I hoped it would never end.

As the last strains of “Love Shack” played out, I found myself near Sgt. Marks who was leaning casually against one of the stone “trees”.

“Good evening Miss Doyle.” He said pleasantly.

“Guten abend Herr Marks”

He chuckled. “I did not think you spoke German.”

“I know about 5 words.”

“We shall have to teach you more. There are many useful words I could teach you.”

“I’ll bet there are.”

“In fact, a few come to mind as we speak.”

“Oh yes?”

He leaned in closer, a devilish expression on his face. “Would you like me to tell you what they are?”

“Hmmm, let me think about it.” I said casually but was beginning to blush. Is Sgt. Marks flirting with me? Oh no, am I flirting back? I asked myself. It was hard to tell as I was not using my usual method of flirting which consisted of running in confusion and terror from the man in question.

“I assure you, I am an excellent teacher.”

I’ll just bet you are. I thought blushing still more, turning into a brunette tomato. I had made the mistake of looking into his eyes which were a light twinkly blue, brimming over with humor and something else perhaps a bit warmer. Oh my! I thought, gazing up at his rough handsome face with its strong jaw and boyish smile and that little scar just below his lip that one could just reach up and…Oh my!

I pulled my hands behind my back to curtail the urge and tore my eyes from his face and ended up staring at his broad shoulders and chest. Sigh. He was wearing his uniform sleeves neatly rolled above his elbows revealing his firm biceps and large, well formed forearms which were lightly covered with golden hairs which would probably feel very nice if one were to…Oh my! Oh no!

What’s going on?! Damn you Alucard! Puberty was bad enough the first time without all my middle aged body issues to pile on top of it.

I looked back up at Marks’ face and my knees went weak. He was so good looking. I wanted to cry. I wanted to throw up. I wanted to hit him and run away screaming before he could say something cruel or laugh at me for being so stupid in thinking that he might like me ‘that way’.

Ah, now at least, I was back in familiar territory.

I took a deep breath and met his warm gaze. Something of my emotions must have shown in my face because there was just a hint of concern in his eyes.

Don’t you ruin this for me! I silently screamed at my issues. You have been in control of my life long enough. Now, get in there Corrine and say something coherent, preferably charming, to deflect this train of thought before you blow it!

“Do you dance sergeant Marks?”

He blinked a couple of times. “Do I dance?”

Smile you stupid girl! I smiled up at him. “Yes.”
“Yes, I dance.”

Flirt with him darn you. You flirt with him right now! “I just noticed that you haven’t been dancing.” Little smile. Tilt head a bit. “Do you like to dance?”
“I’d like to dance with you.”

Bingo! “So, why haven’t you asked me to dance?” Casually examine hands then sly look back at him. Yes! This may actually be working. Shhh, steady now girl.

“Well, your dance card has been quite full. Someone else was always dancing with you.”

Don’t you dare, giggle. 40 year old women don’t giggle!

“You could have pulled rank. Captain Burnadett has done it at least 4 times with Seras and me.”

“Perhaps I was biding my time.


“Waiting for the right song.”

“Oh yes?”

“A much slower song.”

Oh. Oh my! “Well I’m not dancing with anyone right now…” We cocked our heads to take in the “tune” currently rolling through the cave. It was Klaus Nomi’s cover of “You Don’t Own Me”. “Well, it’s slower anyway.” I said skeptically.

“Definitely not the right song.” We said at the same time and laughed.

He pulled out his flask and offered it to me. “Care to try some for non-medicinal purposes?”

“Are you sure you trust me with it?”

“Just don’t pour it on anybody OK?”

“Just in here.” I promised tilting it to my lips. I took a sip, smiled at him then took a good long pull. “Wow, good. Slivovitz yes?”

He cocked an eyebrow at me.

“You were expecting coughing and sputtering perhaps?”

“I find myself liking you more and more.” Another song started playing. “Ah, now this is more the thing.” He said. “Shall we?” He took my free hand and led me to the open area just in front of the pool that we had been using as a dance floor as Marc Anthony began to sing.

“They say around the way you’ve asked for me…”

Marks stepped in close and placed a hand on the small of my back.

Ooops. Real dancing. “I ah, don’t really know how to … um…Samba?” I guessed.

“There’s even talk about you wanting me...”

He chuckled and took the flask from my hand.


“I must admit that’s what I want to hear…”

“Don’t worry,” he said pulling me closer “I’m an excellent teacher”

‘I’ll just bet you are’ I thought as he guided me into the first few steps of the dance.

“But that’s just talk until you take me there…”

“Have another drink.” He said after I stepped on his foot for the 3rd time.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?”

“I need to know. I need to know…”

“If I said yes, would you become very indignant?”

“No, but is it wise to try and make me even less coordinated at the moment?”

“We in the Geese do not flinch at danger. Besides, I am wearing boots and you are wearing, very little so, yes.” He said looking teasingly roguish.

“Tell me baby girl cause I need to know...”

He stepped into the turn and dipped me then pulled me up and whispered softly into my ear. “Now, about those cookies for tomorrow night…I’m partial to peanut butter.”

I dissolved into laughter.

“Girl I’m exactly where I want to...” WHAM! The music was very decisively cut off.

Friday, July 10, 2009


“All right, yes, here.” Zelig said positioning me inside the entrance and waiving the others back a bit. “Now, quiet all of you! Are you ready?” He whispered to me.

“Yes. This is very exciting!” I whispered back.

He smiled and squeezed my hand then reached out to touch something hidden in the wall.
Nothing happened for a moment then, just audible over the sounds of the waterfall, came the soft strains of a harp. I held my breath trying to better hear the quiet melody. As I listened, the song grew louder and more complex as other instruments were woven in. I realized that I was beginning to distinguish shapes in the darkness. A flute joined in the song, trilling like a bird. Slowly, slowly the lights began to come up like the dawning of a new day. Shafts of light came down from the ceiling, sparkling off of the waterfalls and the crystal rock formations creating a dappled carpet on the floor of the cave.
The effect was stunning.

I realized I was still holding my breath. I expelled it the whispered, “Oh Zelig, it’s just lovely.”
I heard several affirmative sounds behind me.

Zelig smiled distantly, his eyes slightly feverish. “Wait,” he breathed “wait.” He reached out again and the “sun” began to set.

The music merged into night sounds and I found myself transported from my dappled little grove to a magical forest. The waterfall no longer flowed merrily but instead seemed to dance. The crystal formations no longer sparkled but burned softly with an inner fire. The pillar “trees” seemed to move and sway on some enchanted breeze. The marble glowed in the diffuse “moonlight” and the pool seemed to reflect starlight from above. It was one of the most magnificent things I had ever seen. It was truly magical.

I could not speak. I could only sigh with pleasure. It was so beautiful.

“Well?” He whispered.

I squeezed his hand and he squeezed it back, my expression conveying my opinion more eloquently than words ever could. He squeezed my hand again and smiled up at me. We stood there for a moment just marveling at his genius.

Eventually, there was a small strangled sound of despair as Stewart spotted the mangled ruins of his stereo on the work bench by the entrance. The spell was broken and everyone crowded around to congratulate Zelig. He gave my hand a final squeeze before we were forcibly separated by the friendly punches and rough back slaps of his comrades.

I wandered over to Stewart who was sifting sadly though the remains of his stereo only slightly mollified by the brownie Zelig had given him in way of apology.

“I don’t suppose you would let me buy you a new one?” I asked.

“Why, you didn’t destroy it?”

“Yes but I gave it to Zelig which, apparently, made its destruction a foregone conclusion.”

“I could have refused. Should have done but, to be honest, I kind of wanted to see what he would do. The man is insane but he is quite talented.”

“I don’t know about ‘insane’.”

“Take my word for it.”

“Come now.”

“Totally off his nut.”

I laughed and looked over at a beaming Zelig who stood accepting his due praise whilst doling out brownies like a benevolent dictator.

“What did Zelig do before he joined the squad?”

“Landscape architect.”

“In Algeria?”

“No, France. His mother was Algerian, his father is French. Zelig worked for his father’s company until artistic differences drove them apart.”

“Artistic differences?”

“Yes, his father felt that customer satisfaction was the cornerstone to good business.”

“And Zelig?”

“Zelig felt that if the customers even considered replanting one of his garden beds it was grounds for blowing up their car.”


“Or house.”

“You’re joking of course.”

“I’m afraid I’m not. He’s the terrorist version of Frank Lloyd Wright.”


“Corrine, we’re all damaged goods here in the Geese one way or another. We all had our own reasons for joining. Some of us are addicted to the danger, some are running from their past, others are just mean son’s of bitches but some of us,” he sighed and gestured to Zelig “some of us simply can not function in the main stream and have nowhere else to go.”

“Poor Zelig.” I sighed.

Stewart laughed. “I tell you a man is crazy and blows things up and you feel sorry for him?”

“Was anyone hurt in the explosions?”

“Well, no.”

“Then yes.”

“There’s your problem. You like people too much.”

“What’s wrong with liking people?”

“Nothing but liking the wrong people can be dangerous.”

“Like Zelig.”

“No, Zelig’s fine as long as he stays with us. Besides, you liked his work. You could shoot him in the foot now and he would still adore you.”

“Like you?”



“No, but a certain girlfriend could prove to be hazardous.”

“Seras is my friend.” I snapped.

“I know, I like her too but is it truly wise to befriend a vampire?”

“Seras, is, my, friend.” I said angrily. Poking him in the chest to emphasize my point.

“Steady love, were just talkin'.”

A large hand came down on my shoulder. “Excuse me miss, is this man bothering you?” Asked Marks.

“No. He’s warning me off dangerous men.”

“Very wise. Was my name mentioned?”

“You were next on the list.” Quipped Stewart. “Right after…Oh, hello Zelig.”

“Stewart…Marks.” Zelig said nodding regally to them. “Corrine!” He beamed. “There you are.” He dropped his voice to a loud whisper. “I have to ask you something.” He took my hand and attempted to draw me away but Marks’ hand on my shoulder did not budge. He narrowed his eyes at Marks who gave him a slight smile.
Zelig sighed dramatically, leaned in close and whispered, “Do you have any more brownies?”

“Um, no.”

“Oh.” He said disappointed “Are you sure?”

“Afraid so.”

He sighed. “I didn’t get any.”

“But Zelig, I gave you the whole tray.”

“Yes but I was sharing them out with the fellows. Then there was only this nice big corner piece left and then that girl…” He said balefully.

“Her name is Seras.”

“That Seras, snatched it right out of my hand saying they were hers and wouldn’t give it back.”

“Oh Seras.” I sighed glancing over at her. She was sitting on a rock clutching the tray containing the last brownie and glaring defiantly in our direction. Most of the others had left her alone opting instead to go through the bag of snacks in search of easier prey. Except for corp. Sherman who could not seem to resist trying to sneak up behind her and snatch the last brownie. She backhanded him away without even looking. He landed on the ground with a thump laughing uproariously. Seras gripped the try even more tightly and continued to glare in our direction.

Zelig glared back petulantly at her. “Not even one.” He groused.

I sighed again turning to Stewart. “I don’t suppose?”

Zelig looked at him hopefully.

“Sorry no.” He said stuffing the rest of his brownie into his mouth.

Zelig huffed as Stewart waived a piece of broken stereo at him.

“I’m sorry Zelig.” I said. “But I actually did make them for Seras. But I promise to make lots more for you tomorrow night if you’d like for when you show Sir Integra and the rest of the staff your lovely work.”

“And they’d be for me?”


“Extra walnuts?”


“I want more of the cream cheese ones like you made last week.” Said Stewart.

“I wanted walnuts.”

“She can make both can’t she?”

The two of them looked at me expectantly.
“All right.”

“How about those blondie things? What were they called Marks?” Asked Zelig.


“Yes, some of those too.”


“Yes some of those!” shouted Seras. “And the fudgie chippy ones as well.” Damn her and her uncanny hearing.

“Now hold on. I can’t…Oh Zelig you’re bleeding!”

Zelig glanced down at his arm. “It’s nothing.” He said.

“But you’re bleeding.”

“It’s nothing. Now, about cookies…”

“Honestly it’s like dealing with a bunch of 4 year olds!” I muttered under my breath dragging Zelig over to the workbench where the light was better.

“Welcome to my world.” Said Marks.
“I don’t suppose you installed a first aid kit down here?”

Zelig sniffed disdainfully. “This is art, not some poncy municipal pool facility.”

The former lifeguard in me brindled but I remained calm. I removed the towel from my head and gently dabbed at the wound with a corner. “Hmmm, not too bad.” I said. I looked around. I had almost everything I needed. “I need alcohol, preferably hard liquor.”

“Excellent idea.” Said Marks pulling out a flask. “But perhaps you should wait till you’re finished with Rührkuchen here.”

“Tot umfallen kraut!” Growled Zelig.

“What is this, kindergarten at the Tower of Babel?” I said snatching the flask from Marks. I sniffed it’s contents.
“This will do. OK now Zelig, hold still.”

“Why?” Asked Zelig.

“No, wait!” said Marks.

I grinned evilly and tipped a liberal portion of the flask’s contents onto Zelig’s forearm.

Both men flinched.

“Damn, that burns. What the hell is it?”

“Damned expensive is what it is!” Growled Marks.

“Well, if you had a first aid kit down here,” I said sweetly “I wouldn’t need to use this.”

“You could have let him bleed.”

“I most certainly could not!” I said, gently cleaning the grease and dirt from around the cut with another corner of my towel.

Anders should be doing this.” Grumped Marks. “It’s what we bloody pay him to do. Where the hell is he anyway?”
Stewart chuckled. “He took off as soon as he heard her singing."

“Well he’s still on call and he can bloody well get back here and slap a plaster on Herr Artist here!”

“That’s OK. I like the way she does it better.” Said Zelig as I fussed with his arm.

“Does it still sting?” I asked.

“A little.”

I blew gently on his arm to cool the burn.

“I think I’m in love.” Said Zelig.

“Damn it Anders, get your ass in here right now!” Shouted Marks.

Stewart laughed. “Corrine, you have to stop.”

“What? My mom used to do that.”

“Mind you own business.” Snapped Zelig. “So did mine.” He said patting my arm.

“I’m almost done.” I said. Reaching for the super glue.

“What’s that for?” Zelig asked suspiciously.

“Hopefully to glue your mouth shut.” Said Marks.

I smiled and shook my head then bent over and glued the wound shut.

“Your mother never did that.” Said Stewart.

“I like it!” Said Zelig poking at his arm.

“Pretty clever.” Said Marks. "Now give me back my flask. And just where the deuce have you been?” he said to Anderson who had come up behind me.

“Did you see what she did Anders?” Said Zelig, grinning and flexing his arm. “She glued me back together she did! You should try it.” He said tossing him the tube.

Anders caught it and stared at Zelig his eyes flashing but his face carefully neutral. “How very useful.” He said without inflection.

“You could have done it yourself if you’d been here instead of skulking about.” Snapped Marks. “She shouldn’t have to do your job.” Anders flinched a little at Marks’ tone but said nothing. He just stared down angrily at the tube in his hand.

I suddenly remembered that Anderson did not like me and this was not helping. “It was just a little cut.” I said quickly. “Mom stuff really. No big deal.”

He weighed the tube in the palm of his hand. “For little cuts yes?” He said quietly in that dead voice.

“Um, yes?”

“Not so good for ripped off limbs then?” He said bitterly, squeezing the tube.

“Well, no.”

“Perhaps I could use it on ghoul bites instead?” He looked up at me, his eyes filled with rage.
I choked and shook my head.

“No? Pity that.” He said, glaring at me.

I stumbled back a bit, shocked by his hostility. He seemed so full of anger and pain that I was not sure how to react. Resentment, compassion and a little bit of fear warred inside of me, my usual instinct to apologize and placate stumbling against the fact that, to the best of my knowledge, I had done absolutely nothing wrong. “I…I didn’t….” I took a deep breath and clutched my fisted hands against my stomach to hide their trembling. Don’t you dare cry Corrine! I thought and looked him in the eye. “Why?” I asked.

“What the hell are you playing at Anders?!” Said Zelig, stepping between us and bowing his chest. Stewart looked more puzzled than angry.

Anders dropped his head staring down at his hands, his jaw clenching and unclenching his lips quirking. He looked up at me his eyes full of pain and confusion. His lips moved but no words came out.

“That’s enough.” Said Marks quietly but firmly. Anders, go see the captain about pulling a first aid kit from stores for down here.”
Anders’ face went blank. He turned mechanically and left without a sound.

“Zelig, you and Stewart clean up that mess on the work bench.”

“But.” Said Stewart.

“Now.” Said Marks.

Stewart shrugged and went to help Zelig.

“You," He said chucking me under the chin, “go brush your hair.’

I absently ran a hand through the tangled mass but said nothing. Marks turned his gaze to follow my confused one over to Anders. He shook his head. “He needs to figure out how to deal with this before it’s too late.”

I looked up at him. “I’m sorry. I seem to upset him greatly.” I said miserably.

Marks smiled sadly. “It’s not just you. It’s this place.” He said. “It’s like a hell for him. It’s driving him mad but he won’t leave. He won’t leave the men without a medic and who in his right mind would take the job?”

I looked back at Anders. Slow, horrifying comprehension dawning on me.
Hard enough to be a combat medic but to be a medic for a combat team which battled the undead? To have to watch your team get blown apart and ripped open. To have to decide at a moments notice whether to tend a wound or to administer the only mercy available to a friend or civilian with a ghoul bite, a bullet in the head. And if you make a mistake, you might be murdering an innocent or worse yet, spare them only to watch them rise up to kill and eat your men.

My mind wandered back to the theater. To the way he had looked at me. The way his hand kept moving to his holster. He had decided to shoot me but Alucard had not allowed it. I shivered with terror. He would have killed me, shot me in the head then and there but instead, here I was, standing in front to him alive and healthy and a constant reminder of all of those deaths and of how far from being a healer he had strayed.

“He knows that we don’t resent it.” Said Marks. “That any of us would rather take a bullet in the head than turn but knowing that is still a cold comfort when you’re the one who has to pull the trigger.”

“Oh, poor Anders.” I whispered. “How can he bear it?”

“He bears it because he has to. We all do.” He turned back to me. “Now don’t cry on me liebste.” He said, noticing my tears. “A river of tears couldn’t save the damned souls in this room.”

“I’m not crying, I’m leaking.” I said blotting my eyes on my sleeve. “I do that sometimes. Ask the captain.”

“Hmm.” He said handing me a tissue. “As you say. Now go see to that pet demon of yours before she breaks one of my men.”

I squeezed his arm and smiled at him. “Thank you, you’re very kind.”

“Slander and lies girl! I like you better when you are being mean. Now go away before you destroy my reputation.”

“Sir! Yes sir!” I barked throwing him a mock salute then scurrying away quickly before he could swat me.

Friday, June 19, 2009


“He better not ruin my stereo.” Stewart whispered.

“Ruin how?” I whispered back. Zelig had hustled us back out beyond the cave entrance but was still within earshot.

“Give him anything with wires and he takes it apart. I can’t believe I let you talk me into giving it to him.”

“But it made him so happy.”

“Of course it made him happy. He always gets happy when he gets to take stuff apart.”

“Or blow stuff up.” Added Griffin “He likes to blow stuff up.”

“It was practically new.”

“Perhaps he wont take it apart too much.” I said hopefully. Stewart stared at me reproachfully. “It could happen.” I said less hopefully.

“Bête fille mon chanson.” Said Burnadett. “It is in many pieces by now. You should not have given it to him.”

Stewart groaned

“But he had these puppy dog eyes.” I said.

“And you shouldn’t have given him all of the brownies!” Griped Seras “Those were for us.”

“I’m sure he’ll share.”

“Bête, bête fille.”


“You silly, silly girl.”

“I kept the wine though.” I said.

“Did I say silly? I meant clever. Pass it here.”

“Actually, it was Seras who brought the wine.” I confessed.

“And this is why we like her.” He said taking the bottle from me.

“So tell me about this ‘Titania’s Delight’.”

“Oh that?” Snorted Burnadett. “That was some folly of Zelig’s back in Bosnia. We had set up headquarters in this little hut in the hills. There was an abandoned fruit orchard behind and he took a fancy to it. Said it reminded him of this Shakespeare play.”

“A Midsummer’s Night Dream?”

"Yes, this is the one. Well, he began to muck about with it and I let him because there wasn’t anything needing blowing up at the time. I thought it would keep him from getting bored and taking apart all of the equipment but he started using up all of the detonation wire to string up these lights and then the backup generator went missing …”

“He was out of control.” Growled Marks.

“He meant well.”

“He took the bulbs out of every flashlight in the company. I had to sneak into Serbia and buy more on the black market before we could do any more night missions.”

“He is very single minded with his projects.” Confessed Burnadett.

“Obsessed more like.”

“It did look quite nice though, I have to admit.” Said Stewart. “When it was finished.”

“Like a little magic forest.” Agreed Burnadett.

“He even put in one of them fairy circles.” Said corp. Blaven.

“Sounds pretty.” Said Seras

“It was.” Said Stewart. “Until those two drove a tank through it.” He said gesturing towards Marks and Griffin.

“What!? Why?” I burst out.

Marks made a disgusted noise. “We had captured this tank during a counter offensive and thought it might come in handy. Captain told us to hide it so we hid it.”

“Right in the middle of Zelig’s orchard.” Quipped Stewart.

“We said we was sorry.” Said Griffin.

“In case you have forgotten. There was, in fact, a war going on? It was the best cover for miles.”

“Yes we know Marks” said Burnadett “but did you have to park it right on top of the fairy ring?”

“That was a pity.” Said Blaven “I rather liked the fairy circle.”

“Do you have any idea what flashlight bulbs go for on the Serbian black market?” Countered Marks.

“I would have docked his pay for it.”

“Because of us, you didn’t have to. He even got a little bonus after we sold off that tank to the Soviets.”

“Yes, well, that was nice.” Said Blaven.

Marks shrugged.

“You stole a tank?” I asked.

“Captured.” Corrected Marks.

“And sold it?”

“Well, it wouldn’t fit in the plane.”

“To the Soviets.”

“Seemed only fair seeing as how it was theirs in the first place.”

“You people scare me.”

“No we don’t girl, that is why we like you." Said Marks. “That, and other things.”

“Yes like those brownies you made.” Said Burnadett.

“Zelig had better share.” Said Stewart.

“Speaking of which,” said Seras “how much longer is this going to take? I’m getting cold.”

“Have some wine.” Said Burnadett offering his cup.

“I don’t get drunk you know.” She said.

“Ah, pity that. Well, best not waste it then.” He said taking the cup back from her hand and drinking it himself. “One should only buy drinks for girls to get them drunk.”

“But it’s my wine.” Said Seras tugging the bottle away from his grasp. “I bought it myself.”

“Even better.” He said. “Are you trying to get me drunk petit?” He took her hand in his. “Do you wish to take advantage of me?”

“What? No!” She said snatching back her hand. (I’m telling you, right through the wall someday) “I bought it for us, for Corrine and me!”

“Really?” He said looking slyly at me. I groaned inwardly. “So it our Corrine you wish to get drunk?” He looked at me again and winked. “I heartily approve.”

There was a chorus of approval and the bottle was shoved at me as Seras turned bright red from head to toe.

“I..” Stammered Seras.

“I’ve seen movies that start like this but I never imagined…”

“Fat chance Griffin.” I said.

“Oh but Corrine.” Said Stewart.

“Not going to happen.” I said firmly.

“Pity.” Sniffed Stewart.

“At least not while you lot are about.” I added evilly.

A string of boos and cat calls echoed through the chamber.

“And you.” I said turning to the captain. “You had better stop teasing her like that or no more wine for you!”

“Un défi ? This is a hard choice.”

“I mean it.” I said plucking the cup from his hand.

“Si jolie et si moyenne.” He stage whispered to Marks.

“Ja. Schon und mittlere. Ich muy sie sehr.”

“In English please.” I poked him.

“Ah, mon chanson, you are cruel to make me choose between two things that I love.”

“Rubbish.” I said tilting the neck of the bottle towards the floor.

“Well then,” He sighed.

And we will never know which he loved more, wine or teasing Seras because Zelig chose this exact moment to appear at the entrance and announce he was ready for us. Burnadett took advantage of my temporary distraction and snatching back the bottle with one hand and grabbing Seras with the other began herding us all toward Zelig. Before I could intervene, Zelig had captured my hand and was leading me toward the entrance of the cave.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


"This pleasant month of May,
the fauns and satyrs trip it.
Fa la, la la la.
Fa la, la la la.
Fa, la la la la la!”

What is it about sipping wine from a paper cup while soaking in a hot pool of water in a fake Roman temple that makes one want to sing madrigals?

"All nature now is gay.
All nature now is gay.

Fa la, la la la.
Fa la, la la la.
Fa, la la la la la!

I was really enjoying the acoustics. Perhaps a sea shanty would be appropriate.

"Here’s one more day, on the Great Funnel Line...” hmmm.

Seras was right. This is relaxing. Good old Seras.... I had found the perfect spot where I could sit in the warm water with my arms stretched out along the ledge and my head could lean back onto the lip of the pool and still keep dry. It was so nice. Bless you Cupcake.

Unfortunate call sign that. That’s the problem with nicknames you know, you rarely get to choose them. Other, crueler people, such as your friends, usually choose them for you.

Ironically, I had lobbied for years without success for a nickname but nothing ever seemed to stick. Then, one night my sister talked me into going to a Markland feast and there, surrounded by drunk medieval re-enactors, I was finally granted my wish (be careful what you wish for little girl) and dubbed ‘Roadkill’.

Sexy, no?

Well, it could have been worse, much worse. Plus, I really had a great time at the feast. I don’t recall any food but there was mead. Lots of mead and my sister had seemed so happy. We had finally reached an age when we could really start being friends and not just siblings and when she was happy she would energize the whole room and it was hard not to be happy too.

Re-enactors. Ach, weird and crazy the whole lot of them. Myself included. I miss those days. But NOT my secret Skraeling name! Misty eyed, I raised my fisted right had to the side of my head and sang “Markland thy slimy sod, forsook by all but God. Home of the darkest swamps and thickest of thorns...”

I didn’t sound half bad but I felt myself becoming oddly maudlin. Must be the wine I thought pushing the cup away. After all, I did not want my earlier diatribe to Seras to become a self-fulfilling prophesy.

I needed to lighten the mood.

Kate Smith? No, one must sing quite loud to do Kate justice and the reverberations might prove dangerous. It seemed fairly stable in here but being a properly British cave, the strains of ‘God Bless America’ might just cause a stalactite to break free and whack me on the head just to prove a point.

I glanced warily at the ceiling. Perhaps a musical.


Something Cheerful and bouncy.

Something light and fun.

Something like... like....Hair!


I settled a bit further down into the water, threw back my head and belted out ‘Aquarius’.

When the Moon is in the 7th house...

Much better.

When I got to ‘My Conviction’, I was really feeling feisty so I decided to tackle the operatic version featured in the movie soundtrack (but sadly omitted from the film) cause I wanted to try out the high notes. It was great. My voice was madly whizzing and zooming and bouncing about the cave. The cacophony was amazing. By the time I reached the note
near the end which was to be held for a 17 count , I felt as if I were being backed by a demented, but very cool, chorus.

"There is a peculiar notion that, elegant plumage and fine feathers are not proper for the man, when

Wow, this is great!

That is the way things are in mo-o-o-ost spe-cies.”

My arms splashed down into the water with the final crashing note of the orchestra.

I was having a great time. I had even forgotten to wonder what was taking Seras so long until about ½ of the way through ‘Frank Mills’.

I love him but it embarrasses me, to walk down the street with him.

Hmmm. Are those voices I hear?

He lives in Brooklyn somewhere and wears this white crash helmet.”

Yes, that sounds like Seras. I wonder who she’s talking to.

He has golden chains on his leather jacket and on the back are written the names,”

Oh yes, that must be Cpt. Burnadett asking why she is talking so loud.


The squad must have gotten back early.

and Mom

And decided to go for a swim.

and Hell’s Angels.”

And Seras is talking loud to warn me they are coming.

I would gratefully appreciate it ..” Oh. Oh!

“Oh rats!” I screeched as I exploded out of the pool and grabbing for my robe just in time.

The guys trooped in staring at Seras who was talking very fast and very loudly about nothing in particular. She sagged with relief when she saw me belting my robe tightly around my waist.

I turned up my collar so that it covered most of my neck and beamed at them. “Oh, is that you Seras? I didn’t hear you coming.”

“Surprising considering the high level of noise she was making.” Twinkled the Captain.

“Yes, almost as if to warn you we were coming .” Growled Corp., no, Sgt. again Marks. “And give you time to get into that robe.”

His look of disappointment was quite flattering.

Seras’ triumphant look of ‘I told you so’ was just annoying.

‘Shut up’ I glared back at her.

“Is that what you were doing? Drat you Victoria!” Said Corp. Stewart.

I giggled, so help me, I actually giggled a bit.

“Not that I’m surprised you couldn’t hear us with how loud you were singing.” He continued.

“Oh was singing too loud? Sorry.”

“No, you sounded great. We were trying to shut this one up so we could listen.”

“Well!” Said Seras indignantly.

“The acoustics in here are amazing.” I said walking over to Seras and hooking my arm through hers. “Thanks.” I whispered in her ear giving her arm a squeeze.

“The acoustics in here are quite good.” He said. “I should bring my guitar down here but you were what sounded amazing.”

“Oh.” I said blushing and giggled again. No more wine for you Corrine.

“Yes, but I do not recall the words ‘Oh rats’ in the lyrics of that particular song.” mused Sgt. Marks.

“Artistic license.” I laughed.

“And that operatic recitation earlier. I do not recall that particular arrangement from the play.” He said.

“Movie soundtrack.” I confessed.

“I thought you were more of a purist.” Said Corp. Stewart.

“I wanted to see if I could hit the high notes.”


“Art is where you find it.” I sniffed. “Speaking of which, Zelig you did just an amazing job here. It’s absolutely.... Why is he glaring at us like that?” I whispered to Sgt. Marks.

Pvt. Zelig, who had not uttered one word since coming in, was standing with his fists on his hips, eyes flashing, seething with anger.

“He is very artistic. Likes to be complimented right off.” Marks whispered back. Then in a louder voice said, “What ho Zelig. Why so angry? The place looks damn nice I think.”

“Yes, great job.” Chimed in Stewart.

“Oh like I care what you scutters think!” snapped Zelig. “What do you know of art? What do you know of beauty?” He glared balefully at each of the men in turn looking for all the world like a wet angry rooster. “You look at this and what do you see? A naked lady and a warm pool and your happy. You haven’t an ounce of aesthetic sense to share among you!”

“Oh Gut in Himmel! Is this about that stupid fairy lights garden in Bosnia again?” Bellowed Sgt. Marks. “Cause if it is..”

“We said we was sorry.” Said Pfc. Griffin.

“This is not about Titania’s Delight!” Zelig roared back.

“So what’s eating you if you don’t care what we think?”

“Because I care what Corrine thinks!” He said striding over to me.

“---” I said. Caught off guard.

He looked at me beseechingly. “ I wanted to show to you because I knew you could appreciate what I had done. I wanted to show you and Mr. Dollneaz and Sir Integra tomorrow night when everything was perfect. But now!” He threw his hands down a portrait of despair.

“Oh but it really is beautiful!” I said “And what you did with the heating elements, the way you made the wall so warm, sheer genius! I haven’t felt so relaxed in ages.”

He looked at me still miserable. “But it’s all wrong.”

“No, it’s lovely.”

“No it’s not. And this one!” He said whirling around and pointing to Seras like an actor in a bad historical courtroom drama ‘J’accuse’. “Thinks she can just bring you in early and show you my work. Then she doesn’t even turn on the lights right.”

“What? I flipped the switch. I turned on the lights.”

“You turned on the wrong lights! These are not the proper lights!”

“...I flipped the..”

“These are the work lights! These are not the proper lights.” He growled.

“We could see good enough to swim.” Said Seras getting a bit defensive.

Zelig’s face began to turn purple.

“Merde.” Said Capt. Burnadett under his breath as he tried to insert himself between Zelig and Seras.

“Here we go.” Said Sgt Marks.

“Good enough? Good enough!” Roared Zelig. “This isn’t about ‘good enough’ this isn’t about just seeing! This, this is about...”

“Encountering a multi-sensory artistic experience.” Chimed the Capt. And the Sgt. At the same time.

“Exactly!” Said Zelig. “Not that you care and this one has ruined it!”

“Now wait just a min..umph!” Seras began before Burnadett clapped his hand over her mouth.

She glared at him so hatefully that he immediately snatched it back. Opting instead to wrap an arm around her shoulders and whisper to her urgently “By all that is holy little one, please shut up.” He looked up “She really is sorry Zelig. Aren’t you Victoria?”

“Um yes?”

“See. She is very, very sorry.”

“But the lights.” He said sadly.

“I knew it! Stupid fairy lights again. I swear I am going to fu.. Hey!” Said Marks as I ‘accidentally’ kicked him in the shin.” This was getting out of hand.

I stepped forward to Zelig. “Zelig, Bertram, this is all my fault really. You see, I was so miserable tonight from training and when Seras told me about what you had done here, it sounded so lovely and fun I got excited and just had to see it for myself. Seras was just trying to make me feel better. I am so sorry. Can you forgive me?”


“I baked brownies.”

“With Walnuts?”

“And fudge chips.”

“Well, I suppose you weren’t to know.”

“I am sorry.”

“So, you liked the heating elements?”

“Love them.”

“And the benches? I added those.”

“Did you? I would never have guessed. They look original.”

“Oh for the love of...Ow!”

“Shut up Marks!” Hissed Burnadett. “She’s got this.”

“I just wish you could have seen it right.”

“You could still show me, couldn’t you?”

“Well, I don’t have the tuner but... I suppose I could... yes, that would work....hmm, yes. And you really want to see it right? With the lighting and, and everything?” He asked tremulously.

“Oh yes, very much.”

“Well then, hmmm..., yes. Yes! I will show you. I will show it to you the right way!” He grabbed my hand and pulled me back across the bridge. “Come, come all of you out. We do it the right way so Corrine can see it the way it should be!” He shouted happily as he herded us out of the cave.