"Great story." I said patting the soil down around the last potato plant.
"And so well told." Gushed Andrew, clearly smitten.
smirked, probably calculating how much ice cream he could get out of
Andrew in exchange for a good word with his mother, and continued
attaching gator clips to the clock mechanism.
Said Zelig. "Usually, you don't hear a story with nudity, koi ponds,
and girls covered in dessert unless Griffin's in the room."
tried to give Zelig a stern look but had to stifle a snort. "What?"
He said. "It's true ain't it? Red goes here and blue there." He said,
turning to Thomas. "Faster to diffuse...I mean disconnect for
Thomas blinked then rearranged the wires, glancing at Zelig with thoughtful calculation.
I made a mental note to warn Stewart to keep those two apart.
Sarah came over to help me clean up the work bench while Andrew and
Zelig hauled the window box outside to give it a good watering.
"Strange," She said. "It's been years since Walter has teased me like
that or even been pleasant to me for that matter." She frowned. "He
hasn't been mean or anything, just cold and distant. Oh, he's always
been reserved of course, that's just how he is but he would at least
tease you on occasion to show he was a bit fond of you and once in a
blue moon even smile. But not for the longest time." She gave me an
appraising look. "Tea hmm?"
I nodded wiping up some dirt with a rag.
"In the study?"
I stopped cleaning and crossed my arms. "Any particular reason your asking?"
"No...yes...I don't know." She tapped her fingers on the counter thoughtfully. "It's just that, well, it's unusual."
"What, having tea? We are in England you know."
smiled tightly. "Yes," She said. "But having tea with Walter is very
unusual. Especially in that room. I was just wondering...." She
raised a speculative eyebrow.
"I've only been here for a couple of months so I can't really say what's unusual or not." I said. "Perhaps you should ask Walter."
it's unusual all right." She shrugged. "So," She asked casually as
she examined her nails. "What's Walter into these days? Whatever do
you talk about?"
"Look," I said. "I am sure you have
the best of intentions here but as you just pointed out, Walter is a
very reserved person but he has been good to Seras and me, he takes care
of us so I don't think I should repay him with gossip."
made an annoyed sound, started to point a finger at me then dropped it
and sighed. "Your right of course." She said ruefully. "It's just
that..." She dropped her voice and leaned towards me. "I owe him for a
lot more than the shepherdess. You see, if it weren't for Walter,
Thomas,..." She choked a bit. "...Well let's just say it's important
to me that ..."
"...tells the correct time and everything
and Mr. Zelig said for another 20 quid he can grow a turnip right around
an LCD clock display that's a ribbon for sure so can I grandpa please have the money?" Came
Thomas' voice as he followed Andrew and Zelig through the doorway.
"I don't know Tom, $40 quid's quite a bit, besides, the science fair is less than two weeks away. There simply isn't time." Said Mr. Russell.
"Plenty of time." Said Zelig wiping off his hands.
Mr. Russell scratched his chin and said gently. "Now Mr. Zelig, I know your clever with the plants and all but.."
"Genius, actually." Interrupted Zelig.
"Yes now, but even so."
"You don't think I can do it?" Sniffed Zelig.
"I know you can't. Good you may be, but even you can't warp the laws of nature."
"I wouldn't be too sure about that." I muttered.
Zelig beamed and patted my arm. "See, Corrine believes I can do it."
"Stuff and nonsense."
"Ha!" Said Zelig eyes gleaming. "Care to place a wager on that?"
I groaned. Here we go. I thought.
"What you got in mind Private." Asked Mr. Russell.
Zelig cocked his head and tapped his lips with a finger pretending to contemplate this. "Tell you what I'll do old man, seeing as I like the kid and your a veteran an all how bout we say, if I don't grow the clock on time as promised I pay you the 20 quid but, if I do produce the clock, and I of course will, you pay me the 20 plus an extra fiver for disbelieving in me. How's that sound?"
"I don't know." Said Mr. Russell. "On top to the $20 I'm already paying for the one you just made. Seems a bit steep for vegetables."
"Vegetable art." Corrected Zelig.
"It demeans us both to quibble over that which is priceless but I can understand how an old codger such as yourself is probably on a fixed income so let's say $10 for the one I just made and Thomas' pretty little mother here poses for me as a nymph in a painting the Capitan just commissioned." He grinned winningly at Sarah.
"Sounds fun." Said Sarah.
"Wait a minute," Said Andrew suspiciously. "Not the 'The feast of Bacchus' mural you were sketching up the other day?"
"That's the one." Said Zelig excitedly. "It's to feature the Capitan as Bacchus."
"Absolutely not!" Shouted Andrew slamming some bills down on the counter. "Here's for your poxey soup clock!...That is to say, I would be honoured to treat Tommy to this clock, if he thinks it will help his grade." He said, back peddling his temper.
"It's Thomas, Andy." Said Thomas petulantly but still scooping up the bills. "Are you sure you wouldn't want to pose for Mr. Zelig mother? I hear he paints a tasteful nude and I could use the extra tenner for that Lego Death Star kit I was saving for."
The cheeky little so an so.
"Now Thomas," Said his mother. "mustn't Tease Mr. Young when he's being so kind." She beamed prettily at Andrew who broke off staring daggers at Thomas to smile bashfully back. She pried the cash from Thomas' resisting fingers and turned to Zelig. "Here's for the lovely clock Mr. Zelig." She said handing him the money. I noticed she also slipped him her phone number. "Sorry about the posing thing. Another time perhaps?" She said smoothly then winked with her back turned so Andrew couldn't see.
OK, now I see where Thomas gets it from. She's a bit of a cheeky so and so herself.
Andrew, in turn, was giving Zelig a triumphant 'so there' look. Gads, men can be stupid.
Zelig shrugged and turned to Mr. Russell. "So, what do you say old man?" He asked holding up the money. "You gonna jump high or stay home?"*
*Zelig may be, without a doubt, obsessed with his art to the exclusion of most everything else but gambling runs a close second. Perhaps this is because the Geese seem to have raised the practice of placing stupid bets to both the level of an art form and a blood sport.
Mr. Russell smiled and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Well now sonny, it seems wrong to steal from a crazy man but if you insist..." He said reaching for his wallet.
"Oh, that I do." Grinned Zelig pulling out his betting book.
"Who's holding?" Asked Mr. Russell.
"Oh, please no." I whispered.
"Corrine." Chorused Andrew and Zelig.
"Ms. Doyle." Said Dr. Levin at the same time.
"Why me?" I moaned.
"Cause, you're the only one everyone trusts not to pinch the money Corrine." Said Zelig.
"Oh, well, that's nice I guess." I said.
"Umhmm." Said Zelig. "Plus, you got no pockets again so..." He grinned and looked meaningfully at my chest.