"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Demanded Zelig.
"Oh." Said Seras. "Oooh, I get it."
"Get what Victoria?" Asked Stewart.
"See, I didn't notice it at first cause I can always hear Corrine when she's singing so it didn't even occur to me."
"That you shouldn't"
"What? Shouldn't what? Spit it out girl!"
"That you shouldn't be have been able to hear her from the outer caverns. I mean I could hear her of course because I'm, well, you know but you guys..."
"...should not have been able to hear her through solid rock." Finished Stewart for her.
"Exactly. I noticed a slight shifting in the direction of the sound right about the time you guys started joking about being serenaded. I just thought it was the cave's acoustics but it was.."
"The intercoms!" Said Stewart slapping his forehead. "I see."
"But without the antenna how...?" Asked Zelig.
"Don't you get it? She doesn't need the antenna. She's tapping directly into the system somehow. She is the antenna. Well, transmitter actually."
"Like a wireless amp? Huh, strange." Said Zelig sounding more curious than concerned. "How are your doing that Corrine?"
I didn't answer. I was too busy glaring at Alucard.
"No, you still don't understand! It's not the volume it's her singing." Said Anders. "He's done something to her so it gets into your head and glick..." Anders eyes widened. He seemed to be choking on his words.
"You bore me little man." Said Alucard. "And you insult the master. I find these both unacceptable."
"Stop it." I said.
He ignored me.
"Get out of my mind." Anders whispered.
"Your worthless existence means nothing to me. Your sad little secrets even less, almost amusing in how pathetic they are. Barely worth my time. Still, Angel, you played your piece..."
Anders began shaking violently. I grabbed his arm shoving him behind me placing myself physically between him and Alucard.
"Leave him alone!"
"Temper temper Angel."
"I mean it."
"Oh, you always mean it Angel. But it's not sincerity I want from you, it's capitulation."
"Very well." He shrugged.
Anders gasped as if in pain. "Get out of my mind!" He shouted collapsing to his knees and clutching his head.
A strange thought flashed through my mind 'you can stop him but you have to mean it.' I shook my head confused. I threw my arms about Anders' shoulders and tried to shield him as best I could but he just shoved me away moaning "Get out. Get out." over and over.
"Let him go! Let him go or else...!" 'You have to mean it'.
"Or else what Angel?" He asked sarcastically.
I paused. Or else, what? What leverage did i have? None. What bribe could I offer beside submission?
To submit to Alucard was to submit my soul. To hand him my core, the very essence of what made me still human over to his will. To be his creature totally and no longer be Corrine.
No. Submission was not an option.
'Not offer, threaten'
I don't understand.
'Only because you don't want to. Only because you're too afraid.'
I frowned, thinking hard.
Alucard shook his head and tisked.
I opened my mouth hoping for something to say but it was Burnadett who spoke interrupting our deadlock.
"Release him." He said calmly.
"Another piece on the board Angel?" Alucard looked at him incredulously. "Le Gaul parle ?"
"Yes, he speaks." Said Burnadett sauntering to the edge of the pool. "You will release my man."
"Will I?"
"This one looks to be more fun. Shall I play with him a bit longer?" Sent Alucard winking at me. "And if I refuse?"
"Then there is trouble. A great deal of it."
"From you, toy soldier?"
Burnadett nodded smiling thinly.
"From us." Said Marks. He was crouching over Anders protectively but looking directly at Alucard.
"All of us." Said Zelig as he and the others fanned out along the pool.
"You will forgive me if I find your threat to be an empty one."
"I think you will find us not such soft prey as you are used to."
"You know you can not win hired man?"
"Probably not. But we can mess you up real bad."
"This could be fun." Mused Alucard. "I might even let you go back for your guns."
"Oh, we have our guns." It was just then that I noticed all the geese were armed. "As you say, we are hired men. It is our job to be ready."
Alucard laughed delighted. "Ah mercenary, you do entertain."
"Stop it Alucard!"
"What was that Angel? Was that capitulation I heard?"
"Why are you dragging them into this?"
"You dragged them into this Angel, the moment you took off that robe. You thought to shame the Master? You shame yourself! You placed the pieces on the board, I merely play them"
"This is not a game!"
"It's always a game and everyone is a pawn. Best you remember that Angel."
He looked at me intently. "You can stop this you know. End the game with just one word."
"That word being?"
"Come now Angel, you're already on your knees. You don't even have to mean it. I just want you to say it front of the Police girl and Walter and all of your new friends."
I shook my head. If I said it he would make damn sure I meant it.
"Just one little word Angel and it will all be over."
But it won't be over, I thought. It will never be over. He will just use your love against you again and again until there is nothing left. And who will he threaten next time? Seras? Your son?
You can stop this, stop him but you have to mean it. You have to be prepared to ... I closed my eyes unwilling to finish that thought. Unsure if I was willing to make that sacrifice. Because I would have to mean it. He would know if I was bluffing.
"Don't you want to save them?"
"Son of a bitch." Said Sherman.
"Bastard." Whispered Marks.
"Steady." Said Burnadett. "You use us against Chanson vampire? This is not, nice."
Alucard snorted.
"Enough of your games. You release my man now."
"Or we do our job and kill a vampire. Your choice."
"Oh yes?" Alucard said literally pulsing with pleasure. I am not sure if the others saw it, but for a moment I caught the barest glimpse of his true nature. Seething, boiling blackness, barley contained by Hellsing's restrictions and not even remotely human. "Well in that case.."
"Alucard," Came Walter's voice cutting calmly through the tension. "Perhaps you and I could continue this conversation in the hall." I was so busy fighting with Alucard, I had forgotten Walter was still there.
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